Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cardiovascular Exercise - How is Your Cardio?

!±8± Cardiovascular Exercise - How is Your Cardio?

Cardiovascular exercise is usually where most people need to focus or improve in their fitness programs. Everyone can improve their cardiovascular endurance and get better results for whatever health goals they are trying to achieve. Cardiovascular exercise slims and tones bodies. In order to "get abs", you do not need to do countless sit-ups to build the muscles. You need to shed the layer of fat on top of those muscles to show them off.

Weightlifters will improve their stamina which will enable them to workout harder and eventually lift more weight with more cardiovascular endurance. Elderly folks will be able to function better in their daily lives with more cardiovascular capacity. Simply put, the vast majority of people will lead a better quality of life in direct proportion with how good there cardiovascular capacity is. But...most of us do it wrong, or at least we could do it better.

One thing you must realize is that in order for your cardiovascular endurance to increase most efficiently, one of two things must be involved in your training. That is resistance or elevation. You either need to be heading uphill or pushing against some resistance.

Walking on a flat plane, while being very healthy for you and your spine, does little to increase cardiovascular capacity. Also, getting on the elliptical machine and going for a 30 minute "workout" at level 1 may be a starting point for many. But in order to get into shape, increase the elevation on the treadmill and turn up the resistance on the elliptical.

I recommend doing as much of your cardiovascular training outside as possible. Fresh air and sunlight (NEVER SUNBURN) are very healthy and make training more enjoyable. Of course, weather (hot or cold) or personal preference makes it necessary to have indoor options with your home gym equipment to keep your training consistent. So what is the best way to get into shape?

Here are the top five examples of what I would consider the best ways to increase your cardiovascular endurance in decreasing order. Please note, check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough perform these exercises.

1. Running hills outside cannot be beat for pure cardiovascular exercise. I like this exercise as it involves being outdoors and is a very rigorous way to exercise. This one is simple. Find a hill and run up it, many times.

2. Next is running outdoors. The reason it is number two is once again the outdoor factor.

3. If you are unable get outdoors, the next best thing is running hills on a treadmill. This is nice as you can control the incline of your hills and keep track of how fast you are running.

4. The stepmill is a great piece of equipment that incorporates elevation to get your heart pumping. This is also good if your knees cannot handle running

5. Finally, running on the treadmill with little elevation. (Note: Due to the belt moving under your feet, a 2.5 degree incline will equate to running on the ground)

Obviously, running is involved in four out of the top five cardiovascular exercises. It is one of the best ways to get into shape. Next, we will look at some alternatives for those of you who unable to run due to physical limitations, or just simply do not like to run.

If your body has an injury that hinders your ability to run or to incorporate elevation in your training, the elliptical is what to consider next. The key to getting a good workout on the elliptical is resistance. You have probably seen people pedaling away on the elliptical as fast as they can at the gym thinking they are getting a great workout. Actually, they are getting nowhere fast.

Pedaling fast with no resistance is nowhere near as effective as pedaling with a heavier resistance. This makes the exercise more difficult, which is great for cardiovascular capacity, without stressing the joints. Be sure to pick an elliptical that has the arm levers also to get the upper body involved too. Another good alternative is the stationary bike. The same principle of resistance applies here. Going fast with no resistance does little to increase work capacity.

If you are a beginner or your body has limited capacity due to injury, walk outside. This may take more time, but walking will gradually increase your cardiovascular capacity over time. If you cannot get outside, walk on a treadmill with elevation. And finally, if you have knee problems or very limited capacity, find a swimming pool and walk in it. This takes gravity off the joints and allows many people to exercise when they otherwise could not.

Remember, listen to your body. When starting any fitness program, obviously start slow. The proceeding list is to give you an idea of what activities will get you in shape most quickly. But, if you have previous injuries or any other limiting factors, start lower on the ladder. You cannot reach your health goals if you are injured and unable to train.

Cardiovascular Exercise - How is Your Cardio?

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