Monday, December 26, 2011

What Are the Benefits of Running?

!±8± What Are the Benefits of Running?

Do you feel that you are not as toned as you would like to be? Are you currently carrying around some extra belly fat that you would like to get rid of? Has dieting alone given you the results you are looking for? After you're done with this article you will have tools you need to look your best and have your friends and family commenting on how great you look and they will want to know what you are doing differently so they can do it too.

If you have been trying to lose those last few extra stubborn pounds and nothing else you are doing is working then it is vital to know the benefits of running. Because the benefits of running are so effective you can lose those last few stubborn pounds like nothing else you you have done in the past. You have never experienced the results as quickly and effectively as the results you get from running. You need to consider changing what you are currently doing and make the change to running.... If you never tried running as an exercise regime before now is the time to do so. Once you start losing weight that brings us to next phase which is not being as toned as you would like to be. If you are tired of seeing your belly flab in front of you all the time running can't efficiently and very quickly start eliminating that unhealthy and unsightly bulge.

These are the vital facts to the benefits of running. Begin your new routine by getting out in the fresh air and sunshine and start off by running 30 minutes per day. If 30 minutes is too long for you to run non-stop then walk in between and gradually increase the length of time you run and you will see even faster results.. Keep setting new goals for yourself everytime you go out for your run. Even if it is just an extra few feet then where you stopped on the last run. Where a pedometer which you can purchase very inexpensively in most popular drug chain stores. You can track the amount of steps you take and just keep increasing from there. Running and walking is much better than not doing anything at all. Give yourself time to build up the stamina and get your lungs and heart stronger. Believe me it will happen so be patient and know that you are improving your health and good looks everytime you get out there. So keep moving and stay motivated.

Dieting alone will not give you the results you are looking for. Once you start
dropping the weight you are going to want to tone and tighten up so you don't have sagging skins where fat once lived. There are many exercise modalities that will tone and tighten you up, but I have yet to find one that will do it as quickly and effectively as running. So when you want to see results and you want to see them now, then running is the one thing that will sure to give it to you.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Running are many. Some runners just do it for the sheer joy of getting out there in the fresh air and sunshine and know that you are doing something good for your body to ensure that you live a longer healthy life. Others run to lose weight and the reason why it is effective is because you need to expend a great deal of energy when you run, and expending that energy equals to burning calories. The number of calories burned while running is typically significantly more than would be burned during less taxing forms of exercise such as walking. The simplest formula for weight loss includes burning off more calories than the individual consumes. Improved cardiovascular health is another benefit of running. Some of the benefits of running include lowering the blood pressure and helping the arteries to maintain their elasticity. This means you are not only working out to improve your physical appearance but also the overall function of your body. Running is also beneficial for slowing down the aging process. Those who run regularly are less likely to experience bone and muscle loss as they age at the same pace as those who do not run regularly or at all.

Running can also have many psychological benefits. Most significantly runners typically report being happier and feeling less stressed than their counterparts who do not run or exercise regularly. Running actually has the ability to alter an individuals moods because hormones called endorphins are released while running. These hormones create a sense of euphoria often referred to as a runner's high and can result in an improvement in the runner's mood. Running has also been reported to alleviate stress in most runners. There are a number of factors which may contribute to running lowering stress levels. One of the most obvious reasons is the act of running allows the individual to focus on the task at hand instead of being worried or stressed about work, family or other stressors in his daily life. Additionally, running can be very challenging on the body which can result in the individual feeling a sense of accomplishment by completing the run which shifts the focus of his attention from negative stressors to a sense of pride and accomplishment. Improved coordination is another worthwhile benefit which may be gained from running. This may seem surprising to many who assume it is not possible to gain these types of benefits from running simply because it is such a simple sport.

So from what I have put down here I think you will note that running has many benefits which cannot be overlooked if you are serious about getting into the best shape of your life without it taking a lifetime to do. You will feel stronger, leaner, healthier, more energetic, younger, and will have a calm and serene mental attitude. You will feel happier and less stressed out because you are doing something good for yourself each time you get out there and run and released any tensions and stress you maybe harboring. All in all I believe running is a win win situation for anyone wanting to take control of their health and keep their weight under control. Give it a try!

What Are the Benefits of Running?

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